We've been enjoying so many things about being in our "new" home these last couple of months, but one of our favorite things has been the wildlife. Many mornings when I get up, this is the first thing I see out the bathroom window. It may be difficult to see, but there are two deer standing in the small clearing in front of the barn. They are part of a herd of deer that comes through the area behind our house almost every morning. As a matter of fact, the very first morning after we moved in about 12 deer came sprinting and leaping through the field beside our house and passed *right* behind our house! It was beautiful! We also catch sight of lots of other critters like rabbits, groundhogs, foxes, hawks, owls and lots of water birds out this window as well. We even had a pair of pea fowl out there once! Wildlife viewing out the bathroom window is such a regular event at our house that we've started keeping binoculars on the windowsill. I can't help thinking about how odd keeping binoculars on our bathroom windowsill would be if we were living in town! LOL

This is the daily view from our downstairs kitchen and bathroom. It is so relaxing to stand at the sink doing dishes while watching "our" birds. We have a large collection of bird feeders and with the different environments immediately surrounding our house (woods, lake, field, meadow) we get a wide variety of birds. The day I took this, I must have taken at least a dozen shots in a row and each picture has a different type of bird in it - there were three types of woodpeckers, three types of sparrows, flickers, chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, wrens, doves, and more. We see at least 2 dozen types of birds on a daily basis, but cardinals are just so cheerful during this dreary part of the year that I knew they needed to be our "models". It's not unusual for someone to go into the kitchen for something and yell "everybody come here...quick!" We all know that that's the call that signals a new arrival to our backyard and we all come running to see who our new visitor is. We just love our new neighbors! (Too bad some of them are going to become a nuisance when the gardens get going.)
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